Monday, November 8, 2010

Working on A Continuation of Dress Up.

I, like many others was sad to see the end comming to the Dress Up 2010 challenge that has been hosted by Margaret over at Alice and Camilla and wanted to keep going.  I was even planning on doing this as a personal ongoing art project.  When the moderator of one of my yahoo groups saw my dress on my blog, she commented to me that we should continue this as a group-I thought why not spread the fun for all and continue with the ongoing project.  Sooooo-I am in the process of designing a Dress Up 2011 button, and will post soon about the project, so those who want to play along starting in January in the next comming year are welcome to.   I am almost finished with my November dress and will be posting that soon!

I took a couple of real quick art mini classes over the weekend, a miniature charlotte shrine necklace and a vintage calendar-as soon as I take pictures, I will get them posted.  These projects only took about 45 minutes for the entire class, and I am already working on a different idea for the vintage calendar for my guy for Christmas, again I will post the picture when I get it done. 

Lots to do in the next couple of weeks,  I am putting together a dress up box for each of the twin granddaughters for Christmas.  I will look for a couple of trunks that I can alter with their names and fill them up with all kinds of things.  I already found some great tutu's at Walmart for 75% off making them only $1.25 each, I am adding crowns, necklaces, bracelets, hats, purses and making each of them their own princess robes.  I made the superhero capes for the boys back in February for Valentine's day and they were such a hit, I thought I would adapt them to the girls.  I am trying to make this Christmas a little more homemade and not so much about money-not sure if i will succeed but I am going to give it a try...

Until next time-

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